• Testing for Lead in Drinking Water Program

    2019-2020 Testing for Lead Spring Update

    2019年秋季, the District completed the installation of NSF certified filters in all remaining indoor drinking water locations (those not already filtered). These filters will be replaced annually during the summer. Any aerators or screens present will also be cleaned and/or replaced annually during the summer.

    During Winter and Spring 2020, the District has completed the retesting of all indoor drinking water locations throughout the District. This sampling was completed in an effort to ensure that we achieve the lowest possible levels of lead in drinking water in our schools.

    From 32 school campuses and 1,820 drinking water source locations:

    • 1,772, or 98.12% of locations met or exceed the AAPS standard, testing at 5ppb or below.
    • 1,554 or 86.05% of locations tested at non-detect for lead.
    • 额外的22,或1.22% of locations tested below the EPA action level of 15ppb for municipal public drinking water sources.
    • 12个地点,或 .1的66%,806 drinking water locations tested returned results above the AAPS and EPA drinking water action levels.

    Locations above the AAPS standard were immediately removed from service and not returned to service until the AAPS standard was met or exceeded. Elevated locations were evaluated immediately for remediation. Repeat first draw sampling was completed at locations with significant sediment noted in aerators and screens. Follow-up flush sampling was completed at elevated locations with no aerator or screen to determine if interior piping was contributing to the elevated lead levels. Elevated locations were replaced as necessary and tested after replacement to ensure that the AAPS standard was met or exceeded. Sequential sampling was not necessary during this round of sampling due to the remediation of elevated lead through other corrective sampling practices including fixture replacement. 

    2020年春季, the District will continue to complete the retesting of all exterior drinking water locations throughout the District. The District is also taking the additional step of testing all exterior locations for Fecal Coliform & 大肠杆菌 细菌. The exterior drinking water sampling is anticipated to be completed by June 2020.



大肠杆菌 and Legionella Testing Results
