• 四年级社会学科 


    欢迎来到投注网站家庭主页. We hope the information you find here assists you in supporting your child while s/he is learning important skills and concepts throughout the fourth grade year.  

    Three key sources inform the elementary Social Studies program; (1) 密歇根大学年级水平内容期望(2) C3 Framework for College, Career and Civic Life for Social Studies State Standards, 和(3) 社会研究!. The Michigan GLCEs define what the state expects students to know and be able to do in Social Studies at the end of each grade level. 社会研究! is the core learning resource used throughout the 投注网站 elementary grades. 要深入了解每个单元,请访问:     阿特拉斯:四年级的社会学 




    学生 learn why the study of the social sciences is important to understanding human behavior. 在响应组活动中, they discuss artifacts from the perspective of each of these social science traditions: economics, 地理位置, 政治科学, 和历史.


    学生 apply basic map skills to learn about the regions of the United States. 在一个社会研究技能建设者, they interpret a series of special purpose maps depicting five regions of the United States and attempt to identify the locations where five im年龄s of the United States were taken.


    学生们学习五个民族——美国印第安人, 拉丁美洲人, 欧洲的美国人, 非裔美国人, and Asian Americans-- came to this country and contributed to its growth and development. 在一个社会研究技能建设者, they work in pairs to read about one of the groups and draw im年龄s and symbols to represent that group’s experience.



    学生 take a “train tour” to learn about the Northeast region of the United States. 在“为理解而写作”活动中, groups of students sit on a “train” and 听导游的话 while they view im年龄s of places in the Northeast. Through interactive experiences, they learn key aspects and facts about the Northeast. 然后他们写一封信,描述他们在旅行中所看到的.


    学生 learn how population density in the Northeast affects the lives of the people who live there. 在体验式练习中, students use their bodies and desks to simulate the population density of the Northeast and several comparative locales. They respond to a series of questions about how population density might affect people’s lives. 然后, they read and record notes about how life in the Northeast megalopolis differs from life in a small town.


    学生 tour the Southeast region of the United States by boat and bus. 在“为理解而写作”活动中, students 听导游的话 and view im年龄s depicting life in the Southeast. 这次旅行在三个地点停留 ,where students eng年龄 in interactive experiences and learn key concepts and facts about the region. 然后,他们写一封信,讲述他们在东南部的旅行.


    学生学习地理如何影响东南地区的生活. 在一个社会研究技能的建设者, 学生看地图并回答有关气候的问题, 海拔高度, 自然资源, 还有水体. 然后, they hypothesize and read about the effects of 地理位置 on life in the Southeast.


    学生们游览美国中西部地区. 在“为理解而写作”活动中, they 听导游的话 and view im年龄s of the Midwest. Through interactive experiences, students learn key concepts and facts about the region. 然后, they use their notes to write a letter about their excursions in the Midwest.


    学生 learn how agriculture in the Midwest changed from 1800 to today. 在一个 Visual Discovery 活动, they analyze im年龄s of farm life in 1800, 1900, and today. 然后 they create act-it-outs to demonstrate their understanding of farm life during these periods.


    学生 take a “big rig tour” of the Southwest region of the United States. 在“为理解而写作”活动中, 他们三人一组坐在“大钻塔”里, 听导游的话, 观看九幅描绘西南生活的图片. The trucks stop at three sites, where students learn more through interactive experiences.


    学生 explore the history of how people have used and shared the water of the Colorado River. 在体验式练习中, they act out the roles of people living near the Colorado River in four different time periods to understand how its water has been used and shared, 以及它在未来的用途.


    学生 take a “van and air计划e tour” of the West region of the United States. 在“为理解而写作”活动中, they 听导游的话 and view nine im年龄s of places in the West. 这次旅行在三个地点停留, where students learn more through interactive experiences that teach key concepts of the chapter. 然后, they use their notes to write a letter about their excursions in the West.


    学生们将学习西方的七个城市. 在解决问题的小组活动中, 他们的研究, 计划, 并在电视上播放有关西方城市的广告.


    学生 research the 地理位置 of their state using maps, atlases, library books, and the Internet. 在一个社会研究技能的建设者, pairs of students design a board game that includes the geographic features they identified. 之后, they take turns playing each other’s board games to test their geographic knowledge of the state.


    学生们学习如何调查他们州的历史. 在“为理解而写作”活动中, 他们研究一栋建筑, 创建一个建筑模型, write a script that tells about one era in the state’s history from the perspective of the building, and bring the building to life to tell the story of their state’s history.


    学生们学习本州经济的基础知识. 在一个 解决问题小组合作 活动, they work in groups to research one of eight economic activities and then create a museum exhibit about that 活动. Each figure in the exhibit “comes to life” to talk about the essential aspects of the state’s economy.


    学生们了解他们所在州的政府. 在“为理解而写作”活动中, they play a game to learn the sequence of a state’s legislative process. 在调查了他们州的政府之后, they write a letter to a state leader asking that he or she help solve a problem by working to get a new law passed.