• 的 History of Ann Arbor 先锋高中

    1856年10月5日:联合学校, later renamed Ann Arbor High School opens the corner of State Street and 休伦. 的 original building was designed to serve 200 students and 耗资32000美元. 的re were eight teachers including Principal  的ophilus 阿伯特. Students could study either English or the Classics and special attention was given to those who wanted to teach. 大多数人 entered the high school went on to college.


    1871年又增加了一个高 学校的规模是原来的两倍. 六年后,贾德森校长 Pattengill spearheaded the addition of extra-curricular activities. Commercial courses were also added to the curriculum and over time, industrial arts, home economics, physical education, vocational education and cooperative occupational education were included as the growing needs and changing conditions of the community dictated.


    1884年,第一版的 欧米茄年鉴出版. 的 following year Ann Arbor High fielded 它的第一支足球队.


    紫白成了学校 1901年的《投注网站》. 的 words from the school alma mater identified purple as "the sign of might" and white as "the sign of truth and honor."


    1904年,安娜堡高中成立 被大火烧毁. During the next two years, classes met in churches and rented office space in the area (the first portable classrooms). 的 school was reconstructed on the same site at a cost of $340,000, reopening to students and staff in the fall of 1906. (这个建筑 在2005年6月仍然存在. Known as the Frieze Building, it belongs 密歇根大学. 的 University is planning to tear it down and put a new dormitory complex on the site.)


    1914年:校歌的歌词 "的 Purple and White" were written by Margaret Horton Cooley. 伯爵W. Moore, Dean emeritus of the School of Music at the University of 密歇根,写的音乐.


    In 1936, the Ann Arbor News sponsored an essay contest to find a nickname for the school. 一等奖 Richard J. Mann, an Ann Arbor High Graduate, who was one of six to advance the name "Pioneers.曼恩后来担任 学校董事会主席.

    Lewis Forsythe holds the distinction as the longest serving principal at Ann Arbor High School. 他开始了他的 service at the beginning of World War I and retired 29 years later in 1946. He was succeeded by Nicholas Schreiber, who served with distinction until his retirement in 1968. 在奥. 以下的任期 the district purchased 210 acres at the corner of Main and West Stadium Blvd, 13.5万美元. In 1953, three years after the purchase of the land, Trustee Ashley Clague turned the first shovelful of earth at the ground breaking for 先锋高中's current facility.

    Pioneer was built over the course of three years, at a cost of more than $6,000,000. 该建筑包括一个 large auditorium, a small auditorium, specialized rooms for band, orchestra, and choir, a large gymnasium, a pool, and even a planetarium.


    1956年4月9日,1374名学生 reported for the first day of classes at the new High School. 的 building was dedicated six days later.


    的 Building of Ann Arbor High School (1953-56)

    In the early 1950s, when population growth in the Ann Arbor Public school district occurred, a new high school was built on former U-M-owned land, Main Street at West Stadium 大道. Mahlon Buell, a physics teacher in the high school (1922-58), filmed the evolution of the project and he and Gene D. 也许是, long-time principal at Tappan Junior High School (1936-70) and an administrative employee, Gail Beaver, jointly narrate.




    In October of 1957, the Soviet Union launched the Sputnick satellite, prompting an intense reevaluation of the educational curriculum at Ann Arbor High School. 另一个50年代末的作品 phenomenon was the arrival of a tidal wave of post-war "baby boomers" in 全国各地的学校. This cohort of students would fill and 到处都是人满为患的学校. Plans were initiated for the building and occupation of a second Ann Arbor high school.


    With 休伦高中 firmly on the drawing board, Ann Arbor High School was re-christened Pioneer High. From September through June of 1968-69, the Pioneer building housed Pioneer students and staff from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm and 休伦 students 从下午1点到下午6点. 休伦 High took possession of its own 1969年9月.


    In 1971, Pioneer II, an experimental off-shoot of 先锋高中, was established. 学校利用了 small, self-selected group of Pioneer faculty and students working under "free-school" principles, and eventually became Earthworks High School before merging with 社区高中 in 1978.

     Historical Documents from the Building of Pioneer




    《投注网站》(1908) 展示先锋队的场地.



    先锋高中 Wikipedia Entry