COVID-19 3月16日更新

  • aap COVID-19更新

    Hello aap 家长s 和 学生, Staff 和 社区, 

    As we move through Day 1 of our aap COVID-19 school shut down, we will continue to work to share regular updates with you. 

    So much is changing in our daily lives just now. 学习, school 和 work will look different as we move forward, yet we know that our priorities remain clear 和 unchanged: our focus on children, 我们一起学习, 和 our partnership in support 和 outreach to children 和 families in the Ann Arbor community will continue throughout this challenging time.  

    This email includes important information on 社会距离, aap食品服务 虽然我们因COVID-19而关闭, 社会情感支持, the latest information on keeping our 参与学习的学生,以及如何停留 连接到aap. Please review all of these sections 和 点击 on the associated links for full information. 


    投注网站, as well as school districts 和 businesses across Michigan, have taken the extraordinary step of shutting down to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For the community prevention strategy of closing schools 和 other facilities to be most effective, everyone who possibly can practice 社会距离 must do their part. 在他的文章中今天不是下雪天,” Dr. Asaf Bitton urges everyone to “make daily choices to stay away from each other as much as possible.通过这样做, we have a better chance to slow the spread of COVID-19 和 prevent our health systems from becoming overwhelmed with sick people. 

    给父母的额外建议, including recommendations for shared child care situations, 点击 在这里.


    aap, 在查特韦尔食品服务中心工作, will provide “to go” meals available for pick-up between 11 AM 和 12:30 PM at approximately a dozen locations across the community. In addition to today, meals will be available this week on 3月17日星期二 3月20日星期五.  如果你有食物过敏需要, cannot make it to a pick-up location or have any other questions, 请打电话给 734-994-2265 我们会做出安排的. Meals are provided to fulfill student needs for 7 days per week, extending through Spring Break week. 详情请参阅 在这里.


    Being away from school means students are away from some of their trusted adults who provide social-emotional support. Each school will be publishing the names (along with email addresses 和 phone numbers) of their student support team members who will be regularly checking emails 和 voicemail mess年龄s. We encour年龄 you to contact these professionals for support of your student's mental health needs. 

    Please Note: If your student is in need of immediate 和 urgent support, please contact Washtenaw County 社区 Mental Health -危机热线:734- 544-3050 or  臭氧的房子.- 危机热线:734-662-2222.

    The Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention offers these tips for 帮助儿童应对紧急情况.


    This COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving, 和 we want to remain in consistent communication with staff 和 students, parents 和 community throughout the duration of this event. 

    减少电子邮件的数量, 只要有可能, district-wide communications will occur once at the end of the day. Like this mess年龄, we will provide links to additional information on a variety of subjects. You may review all of our previous aap mess年龄s on our webp年龄, which will also be shared via Twitter 和 Facebook. We encour年龄 everyone in the community to share these communications widely.

    For real-time updates, follow us on twitter at @A2schools@A2SchoolSuper 

    Also, at 投注网站 on Facebook.  


    We all underst和 that learning will look different during this time, 和 our goal while away from school is to continue our eng年龄ment in learning together. 请阅读最新的 aap持续学习计划

    Certainly, making the shift to digital learning will take some time. To ensure access to learning for all students aap will be providing technology this week, 和 our hard-working 老师 are busy planning for instruction 和 receiving professional development. In order to provide students with continuous learning the week of March 16, students 和 families can access grade level 和 content related enrichment activities by 点击这里. All resources related to the Continuous 学习 Plan can be accessed at

    We continue to be inspired by the amazing outpouring of support within our Ann Arbor community. I want to thank our exceptional students, 老师, 和工作人员, 领导人, parents 和 community members for all you are doing to provide consistent support for each of our 18,500名学生. 


    Jeanice K. 斯威夫特